Sunday, September 29, 2013


Merp me meep e merp!
For my friend who wanted a day of the dead picture its in watercolor...well the bottom one is..
Now that its on white and a picture it dosent look good....the rose is bad
the sketch i don't mind?
Meh I don't ever do sketches which is bad I need to do more
It would make me better but i'm really lazy and this is the result of me having time on my hands.
Maybe ill be able to paint this probly won't. :(
I feel like its weird.....I lost my train of thought. Damn it.
Oh interpret it for yourself.
Watching Supernatural.........
Ug idk it's like not smooth there is no soul in the work no life ug its not cool

Friday, September 27, 2013


The best pancakes are loaded with fruit and sprinkles!! Just like ice cream!! 
Pancakes once a week is the only way!! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

People.....(said with heavy weight of disappointment)

Ok rant here, me and some friends were going to go to a gay bar/club tonight! I was excited because it has been a while since I have been out of my house hanging out with friends since I left I wanted to go and first the person who invited me to go isn't going anymore, then another person I invited say she didn't want to go. Now the last person said her friends don't want to go....i'm done trying to get people to go out together cause no one wants to do anything. Don't say you'll go or make plans and then bail!! That's what angers me sooooo much so what if you have a shit tone of homework get over it you made plans follow through with it! So what the show/party starts at 11 on a Wednesday and you have class tomorrow?! Live a little. I'm one of those people who don't wanna go out alone that is no fun I like to go in groups and my just fell apart in just a matter of 2 hours on the day that is was going to happen. Thanks guys i feel the love Flakes!
Ok the end whatever.

Conceptual Integrated Science

Oh could this class be anymore boring.........

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I kinda look sad but I'm not!
You can kinda see my new vertical labret piercing! 
And my second hoop on the top it's pretty...  :3 

Metal Slug Procrastination

Oh Metal Slug why are you so fun to watch!!
I can't play the game very well but it is awesome to watch!
This is homework procrastination at its finest!